A lot can happen in a lift

A lot can happen in a lift

going up
It goes without saying that the everyday lift or elevator has been used to great effect in film and television for decades. This can range from small interactions that end up being integral to the plot of the story or they can be monumental action scenes as is the case in Captain America 2.

Because the elevator is such an innocuous part of a building and peoples memory (much like the stairs or a doorway) it's easy for film makers to utilise it to suit their needs. The ding of it arriving, the musac in the background, the sliding doors, the interior that ranges from cold and metallic to rusty & charactered and the cables & gears; it all combines to make the perfect location for unique scenes with ready made framing.

With that in mind TK Encasa created an infographic that showed off some of TV/film’s most memorable lift scenes from over the years that range from; romance to murder and mayhem. Not only that but they've shown that people don't need to believe the outrageous stories that auteurs have created (though they can entertain them for the film or show they're watching) and that lifts are (believe it or not) actually not as scary as Hollywood would have you believe...but they can be pretty cool places to meet people so always have your elevator pitch ready.

Lift infographic

Hope you enjoyed the fun facts about some of film and TV's greatest lift scenes. Kind of shocked Elf and Inception didn't make it.

Can you think of any other lift scenes?

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