
The world of comics is dominated by characters who are white so it's a surprise that it's taken this long for a comic to appear that challenges this status quo and presents a different view point.
BLACK is a 120-page story that is comprised of six chapters. Having already exceeded their funding goal work to release issues monthly on digital platforms starting mid-2016 is already in motion with plans for extra things they can do to reward Kickstarter backers.
Their idea is simple:
In a world that already fears and hates them – what if only Black people had superpowers?
The response from people however has been truly amazing as it's double their original goal with 12 days to go (at time of writing).
The power of role models is a real thing and not having fictional characters you can identify with doesn't help anyone. Fictional characters help to inspire people that they too can do similar things however it's much harder for people of different cultures or races to identify with characters who they may not have any similarities with. Writers & creators of characters can try to make characters as universal as possible but the fact is this isn't always possible and race does play a part in this. If race wasn't an issue comics would not have seen an issue with introducing more characters from different backgrounds.
I think the main issue is that up until the last decade or so there was a difficulty that writers and creators faced in portraying authentic characters, getting it past the editors and most importantly having the audience accept them. The second and third parts have only just started happening and this comic is a massive leap in the right direction and I think there's a lot of people that would agree or it wouldn't be at the stage it is now.
I can't wait to receive my copy and look forward to reading it.
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