Collector Corps Villains
The latest box from Marvel's Collectors Corps is the Villains crate. Arriving appropriately at Halloween it featured some of Marvels greatest villains.
The front/top of the crate has one of the most iconic villains adoring it...Venom, the classic Spiderman villain who terrorised Spiderman for years and was no doubt a few childrens nightmare for the decades.
The inside comic panel decoration is dedicated to Doc Oc, Venom, Loki and of course the Green Goblin continuing the theme of the box.
As with every collectors corps box this one comes with a badge and pin. This box has a goblin pin and red skull badge. Both criminal masterminds and true villains.
Inside the normal t-shirt and comic await. The t-shirt is one with illustrations of villains and their weapons, choosing to focus on a select lot: Ultron, Loki, Venom, Green Goblin, Red Skull and Thanos. Each with their own unique weapon and reason for being a villain. The comic is similar with a custom cover for Invincible Iron Man 001 featuring Iron Man and a host of zombified villains.
The exclusive POP this box is a villain that is rarely seen on screen but well known in the comics...Morbius the vampire. Instead of a normal POP this one is a bobble head which is always an interesting choice. Additionally there's also a key chain venom POP which is a bobble head and a DORBZ Loki.
*Fun fact update
These are all okay but I'm not blown away this time and the choices unlike Loot Crate don't feel as personal but rather a formulaic choice of what "works" which in my opinion does not work. The whole idea of a mystery box is something that builds suspense and provides a surprise in it's contents. The contents of this and previous collector corps boxes has left little to the imagination which is without a doubt unfortunate.
On the plus side however my POP collection is growing thanks to this which is great. Surprisingly the thing that I love most about this box is the Venom keychain POP which next to the badge and pin is the lowest value item in it. However the thing is just so damn cute it's impossible not to love it.
Hopefully they pack the next one with lots of surprises as I believe it will be coming around Christmas. I haven't checked to see what the theme is as I've decided to build my own suspense around it.
Fingers crossed it's good.
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