Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens

So a few months ago I threw some money at a Kickstarter campaign called Exploding Kittens because it seemed cool. I was right.

The game is amazingly simple to play and made by peoplegeeks who understand exactly what makes a great card game or any game for that matter.

Created by Elan Lee (Xbox, ARGs), Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal), and Shane Small (Xbox, Marvel), Exploding Kittens made history when it became the most-backed game in Kickstarter history and the campaign with the most number of backers, ever.

It is a highly-strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players draw cards until someone draws an exploding kitten, at which point they explode, they are dead, and they are out of the game -- unless that player has a defuse card, which can defuse the kitten using things like laser pointers, belly rubs, and catnip sandwiches. All of the other cards in the deck are used to move, mitigate, or avoid the exploding kittens.

Not only did they understand what made a great game, they understood what made a great Kickstarter campaign; an achievable target, great rewards, interesting updates and interacting with backers. Their original target was 500, they did well over that and still met the delivery date and constantly kept backers up to date with hilariously captioned images.

Their latest one telling backers about their soon to come packages came out a few days ago in the form of an infographic. One so big that I could only take a screen shot of half of it!

Exploding Kittens Infographic

I was sceptical that the delivery date of July but how wrong I was...I got my package yesterday (well today from the post office as I was at work when it came originally).

Exploding Kittens

The Exploding Kittens team continued to be unique and impressive with inventive invoice and simplistic but creative packaging. The biggest surprise however came when I opened it.

Could spend all day playing with just the box... #picplaypost #explodingkittens #boobwizards #kickstarter

A video posted by @trevorAKP (@tv_trev) on

Yes they made a magic speaky box.

Inside were the cards, rules and an image that will be my face every time I open the box. As I said playing the game is simple but their How to video explains it far better than I ever could.

I can't wait to play it with my friends as it looks like it would be ridiculously fun!

If you have a few spare squid I'd suggest you go and buy a set too.

Buy Exploding Kittens

There's a family friendly version and a NSFW version. I haven't looked at the differences yet but if the packaging is anything to go by (and I fully assume it is) then the NSFW version will be filthy!

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