February Loot Crate Review
February was another strong month for Loot Crate with the theme for the months crate being "Play".
In their words:
Playing keeps the imagination primed, which not only helps us feel younger, but inspires creativity!
I couldn't agree with this sentiment more and it's something that I try to put into every aspect of my life be it work or otherwise I like to have fun and make things into a game. Maybe that's why people think I'm so creative, maybe I just am, but whatever the case this crate inspires creativity and I love it for that.
The magazine and crate followed with it's new format of being part do it yourself with an original board game and pieces to put together. I haven't played it yet but it looks like tons of fun as did the awesome loot inside the Loot Crate.
The only real disappointment this month was the fact that I already had one of the pieces of Loot! The Ready Player One book is something that I got as a Christmas present but haven't got around to reading yet. Maybe this is a sign from the universe that I need to slow down with my watching of programmes and movies to make time for reading. Whatever the case I will definitely be taking it on holiday with me in April with some other books to rediscover the joy that is taking the time to enjoy a good book.
Also included in the crate:
Waka-Waka Pac-man poster by Many Peters
Firefly Online unlock code
Hexbug Scarab
Exclusive Looter edition Superfight cards
Exclusive rock paper scissors dice
However the standout piece of loot from the crate has to be the Diy Munny figure. In the ultimate test of creativity and play, the wonderful team at Loot Crate have made a competition for all Looters to take part in using their Munnys.
But what would a competition be without prizes which include a bigger 7" Munny or all star judges like the below?
There have unsurprisingly already been a lot entries in the 11 contest categories where you can vote on your favourite ones. I will be entering mine hopefully within a week. As always I'll take progress pics of my creation on instagram. I'm really looking forward to making and creating! >_<
The contest is on until March 20th so I have time but I need to get into my Hulkbuster more.
Check out the contest here: https://www.lootcrate.com/munnycontest
Subscribe to next months Loot Crate here: http://looted.by/bTIiE which includes an EXCLUSIVE licensed prop replica from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
All in all this crate was awesome as it is about something I love to do...
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