Flatpack Film Festival 2015: Roundup
I think it's fair to say that Flatpack was a weird & wonderful ride full of twists and turns. The fact that it was all over Birmingham meant that if you went to multiple events as I did you got to explore a lot of what Birmingham had to offer. Like me you probably also found yourself getting fitter while trying to run from event to event (unless you drove).
To make things easier on all 5 of my readers (I'm sure there's more...probably) I thought I'd do a roundup of the posts and highlight my favourite 3 events.
Links to all the posts from my time at Flatpack Film festival 2015 can be found below
So out of the many events that I went to that barely touched on the amount that I missed out on during the week, my favourites were most certainly within the first weekend of the event.
The Tribe
Firstly the film that takes a different look at how we perceive sound and makes us feel incredibly uncomfortable at the same. The Tribe was fantastic to watch and I'm still reeling from the end.
Although I only got to see half of this before shooting off I was more than impressed by the quality of the shorts that I saw, plus unsurprisingly from the name they had me laughing throughout.
The Odyssey
However my favourite event has to be Paper Cinema's The Odyssey which was nothing short of magic on stage and screen. It saddens me that I'll never experience it for the first time again but at the same time so glad that I did because it was AMAZING.
The festival from the preview event right up to the end was a treat for the eyes, the ears and most importantly the mind from my experience and from the overheard experiences of others.
I look forward to what next year's Flatpack has to offer in it's 10th year. It's sure to be a big one.
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