June Trailers

If unlike me you don't live on the internet you might have missed the release of the trailers for two hotly anticipated returning shows. Both Orange is the New Black and True Detective decided today was a good day to release the trailers for their new seasons.
OITNB enters it's third season on Netflix with a lot of changes coming to the women of Litchfield. Be the more things stay the more things stay the same. Having watched the trailer for the third season I can't decide whether I'm excited for it or not. Yes it's a well crafted trailer for the series and yes I most certainly will be watching it, however I've just not been overwhelmed by the trailer. Like the trailer so eloquently puts it in the ever so popular saying...sorry not sorry.
Watch the trailer and decide for yourself.
The other trailer that was released is the long awaited season 2 trailer for the break out hit from last year True Detective. I've been personally waiting for this for the better part of a year and now that it's finally here I couldn't help feeling a little underwhelmed. Maybe it was because they didn't tease me enough with snippets. Maybe I'm just stuck on my boy Matthew McConaughey and his pivotal role in the success of season one. Maybe I'm just not feeling trailers today.
For whatever reason it just didn't hit me like I thought it would. I guess this is why I usually try to watch trailers with as little pre-anticipation as possible so I get a true feeling from it.
Have a watch and decide for yourself what you think of it.
Trailer aside I am looking forward to the eight episode season staring Vince Vaughn as career criminal Frank Semyon and Colin Farrell will as Detective Ray Velcoro. Rachel McAdams will play Detective Ani Bezzerides and Taylor Kitsch is a war vet/California Highway Patrol officer named Paul Woodrugh.
The trailer does have some scenes that are obviously going to be epic in the show but I think they've purposely buried the lead in how awesome this season will be. I'm hoping anyway...
One great thing that did come out TV wise today was a 20 second teaser for Netflix's Daredevil's costume. I'm actually really excited for it. The trailer's look awesome and the development of the character looks like it could actually be realistic. The 20 second teaser shows the transformation that Daredevil will go through in how he looks on the show until he takes on his red mantle.
As with all great news these days it came from twitter. If you can't express it in a couple of characters what use are you...wait. Ignore that keep reading my blog! It has substance (mostly).
The real journey to becoming a hero starts here. #Daredevil #Spoiler
— Daredevil (@Daredevil) April 9, 2015
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