Kickstarter: Tranimated

If you know me personally or have followed my instagram or even had a look at any of my past posts you'll know that I've started to enter the weird and wonderfully creative world of designer toys.
One of the things that got me started on this journey was the amazing work by some brothers in the states operating under the name Plastic Cell. I got hold of my first DIY custom from them.
Tony Tran an Artist with a really cool style who I discovered on Instagram as a result of following Plastic Cell's work recently launched a Kickstarter that I think you should all have a look at.
Now at it's halfway mark the Tranimated kickstarter could use some support from those who love carefully hand crafted pieces of work and the world of designer toys. And even if you're brand new to the world just have a look at the video and's cool as fuck.
With the option of 3 DIY resin figures and many more awesome packages as part of the rewards for supporting this campaign there's really not much question over why you should be jumping on board with it.
In Tony Tran's own words
Tranimated is a DIY art toy where folks can "draw, paint, sculpt over." Production of which lay in YOUR hands.
I've watched in awe as he's shared all the work that he put into this Kickstarter over a matter of months on Instagram. From developing his own style for popular characters, to sketching the ideas for the bases, to building the first base and prototype, and finally making the first prototypes using them Tony has been nothing short of inspirational.
Constantly creating, and from what I can tell living & breathing his work; helping to get this Kickstarter funded will only lead to greater creations by this artist.
If you've not watched his video yet give it a watch above.
If you've not gone to the Kickstarter page itself the link's below.
Please help to support Tranimated and get your hands on one of these cool figures.
If you want to get in touch contact me
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