Kidding: The show you didn't know you need to watch
Every pain has a name...and Mr Pickles is the man you didn't know you needed to know. Find out about Kidding in my latest post.

Kidding is like a children's show made for adults. IMDB describes Kidding as:
"Jeff, a famous children's television icon, struggles to retain his sanity as his family falls apart."
But it is honestly so much more as each episode explores what it is to be a child and an adult at the same time and how the two worlds collide in wonderous ways.
As the year is closing out I realised I haven't written on this blog in about 6 months and only seemingly succeeded in doing one blog post this year...whoops, my bad. However I couldn't end the year without highlighting this amazing series everyone should watch if and when they get the chance as you will undoubtedly connect with many of the scenes and stories within.
As you may have gathered, Kidding stars Jim Carrey as Jeff Piccirillo who is a children's TV show host called Mr.Pickles much like the beloved Mr.Rogers. Without ruining any of the plot and surprises the series holds, Carey brings Jeff to life like only he could with a performance that makes every episode a joy to watch.That alone is enough reason to watch, however the supporting characters both adult and child alike gives the show a mix like no other.
I will say that the humour in the show is dark, and may verge on subjects that might make some uncomfortable. However if you're okay with this you will enjoy Kidding's wonderful character's, stories and musical moments that steal your heart and wonder how you existed without it in your life.
You can catch up on Kidding on Sky Atlantic.
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