Loot Crate: Versus

The theme for March's Loot Crate was Versus which is supposed to celebrate some of the greatest rivalries ever from comics, television and movies. Honestly I found it a little lacking which was disappointing considering the last few crates.
The crate itself featured the usual DIY aspect I've come to expect from my crates where you flip it inside out for it to work however the artwork did not blow me away. One side was a jungle landscape while the other was the inside of a spaceship. This was to go with one of the pieces of loot which was a vinyl Alien/Predator. I got Predator and while this went together with the style of the crate and the whole versus theme it just wasn't as great as it could have been.
The magazine artwork however was top notch featuring an obvious take on Superman vs Batman and Daredevil vs Punisher which tied in quite nicely to the newly released season 2 of Daredevil on Netflix as well as the upcoming Batman vs Superman. Inside you also found Spock fighting his evil twin. The artwork is dynamic and pops off the page. Definitely a highlight and one of the saving graces of the magazine. What was not however was the content which was lacklustre at best.
Thankfully there were 3 pieces of Loot that stood out.
First is the Mirror Mirror t-shirt which is striking in yellow and red and features Spock face to face with his doppleganger from the Mirror Universe.
It's a take on boxing posters by artist Juan Ortiz who has made posters for every single episode of the original Star Trek, a feat which has me more than a little impressed.
The second piece of loot that stood out, an exclusive Harley Quinn comic which was specially created for Loot Crate which is pretty cool. I can't wait to find time to read it!
But the best piece of loot from this crate is something I will no doubt get a lot of use out of...a reversible beanie sporting both Punisher's and Daredevil's symbols & colours. What's even better is they're both my colours so I look awesome.
So the crate could have been better but those 3 pieces of loot saved it from being shit. I'd give it 3 Trev's out of 5.
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