Nobody said getting over Sons of Anarchy would be easy...

It's not difficult to say that Sons of Anarchy was a show beloved by many and hated by few. The characters were so far from the reality of our lives yet somehow found their way into our hearts and minds as we identified with them on an almost primal level. As I'm writing this I'm actually tearing up remembering everything that happened over the 6 years and seven seasons it's been on our screens for.
Told mainly from the view point of Jackson 'Jax' Teller the story followed the Sons of Anarchy (aka SAMCRO) a motorcycle club that operated out of the small town Charming, running both legal and illegal businesses including; a garage, porn and of course gun-running. Throughout the seasons we see the club and the families involved go through some horrible conflicts where no one came out unscathed.
It was horrible.
It was beautiful.
It was SAMCRO.
It's finished and we will forever be affected by this show and as such those of us who have finished it are in the process of grieving and trying to get over the void that has been left by this show ending.
I put together a little something to show the process that some if not all of us are going through.
I fully believe that we will come out the other side of this. And when we do we'll need a new show to watch but I don't think we're going to see anything quite like Son's for a while but we can find something close.
My personal top 3 suggestions for something to fill the void that you might not have heard of before would be:
The Americans
All three are shows of a different calibre that have something different to offer.
Southland is a show that I've talked about before. You need to watch it if you haven't already.
The Americans comes from FX and it's the Cold War we'd all like to imagine happened.
Don't count Power out just because 50 Cent is executive producer. It's surprisingly good.
If these shows don't take your fancy hit me up, I'll set you up with something else.
Honestly though I don't think I'll stop feeling like this for a while...
If you want to get in touch contact me
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