Rogue One - A win for diversity?

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll know that Star Wars just released another movie which is not one of the main episodes but has ties into the main story. Hollywood is unfortunately known for it being very white male orientated so it is refreshing to see a film which is diverse in so many ways not only for having a female lead but having a supporting cast mostly comprised of non-white actors.
This did not go unnoticed by comic Kumail Nanjiani famous for his role in Silicon Valley. As with most things this ended up on Twitter and the world agreed with his interpretation.
Why Rogue One's diverse cast is more powerful than some may realize
Now I'm going to play a little devils advocate here and look at this a different way. Yes it was a very ethnically diverse cast and yes there was a female lead, however there was a distinct lack of other females in the film other than the mother, and two leaders in the alliance. Yes I realise that the film takes place mostly in a warzone so I can forgive there not being a high number of females but they could easily have added another main female character (BAME or not) to the mix. Representation in entertainment as we know matters so while this film is a win for diversity it could have been pushed a little further. I'm sure while casting they weren't thinking about this so they can be forgiven but they should, shouldn't they?
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