Loot Crate Christmas boxes Two weeks ago I posted about ZBOX's The Force [http://bit.ly/1IfdtgW] themed box. Apparently my Collector Corps and my Loot Crate should have come the week after just before Christmas but my postman failed to get in to my flat block to deliver it or even
Animation Thoughts on 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Animated Series One of Marvel's previously lesser-known comics that rose to stardom with their film feature that was a box office hit this summer is Guardians of the Galaxy. It's been such a hit with fans of all ages that it's getting it's own
Review August Loot Crate Review I'm back! August has been an unusually busy month for me, not unexpected but still busy enough that I have not been able to post as much as I have wanted because I have been back logged with things to watch and do. However the month is coming