Comics Comic Artists Aren't Born They're Made Unfortunately comic artists aren't all lucky enough to make it big just by putting pencil to paper even if they have the talent or drive to succeed. Becoming household names for many is destined to be a hard fought journey and for some it might be just out
film LFCC 2014: Summary This summer's London Film and Comic Convention has just finished and what a convention it was. I don't think I've ever geeked out as much as I did in those 3 days of epicness. As those who have been reading my blog up until
Comics Free Comic Book Day and Comics Unmasked I wish I was able to hang out more at a comic shop on the day but I was a busy bee that day going from exhibits to special film showings to shopping for an epic birthday set of gifts. This post will mainly cover my thoughts on Comics Unmasked
film The Amazing Spiderman 2: Doing the comic proud? For those of you who have been living under a rock, the ever popular comic book masked menace superhero Spiderman swung back onto our screens recently and I just had to go see the film in 3D. I'm glad I did because it was awesome. A train wreck
TV The Walking Dead: Show or Comic which is better? Sorry it's been about a week since my last blog post. I decided to take the weekend off and catch up on all my shows and sleep...lots of sleep. I did have a big second post planned for last week but unfortunately this has had to be
Geeks Are Comic Geeks Taking Over TV? The post I planned to write today wasn't this one but I had to push the original one by a week so it could be polished up. Don't worry it will be worth the extra wait. So for this post I have decided to focus on